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Monday, July 27, 2009
President GMA's SONA
President GMA’s SONA

The president of the Republic of the Philippines will deliver once again her annual State of the Nation Address (SONA) in front of the many Filipinos. This showcase the past results and achievements in aiming her dreams to serve the country under her administration.

In 2005 the president was referring to the government’s aimed to enact the three laws which comprise the biggest financial package in Philippine history – the Attrition Act of 2005 (R.A. 9335), Indexation of Excise Tax on Tobacco and Liquor (R.A. 9334), and Expanded Value Added Tax (E-VAT) Law (R.A. 9337).The president was referring to the political system that has, according to her, become a hindrance to our national progress

In 2006 the president GMA address these global challenges, according to her we must go on building and buttressing bridges to allies around the world: to bring in the rice to feed our people, investments to create more jobs to Filipino’s; and to keep the peace and maintain stability in our country and the rest of the world.

In 2007 the president GMA talk in front of many Filipino’s in her SONA. First, she promised more investments in physical, intellectual, legal and security infrastructure to increase business confidence in the country.

Second, investments in a stronger and wider social safety net – affordable medicine, household, education, increase wages to teachers, more scholarships for gifted students, and language instruction to maintain our lead in English proficiency.

Third, investments in bringing peace to Mindanao; in crushing terrorism wherever it threatens regardless of ideology; and in putting a stop to human rights abuses in fair management.

The president also added on her advocacy about the super regions and preparing the country to become a first world country by the year 2020, the SONA 2008 will focus on the government's achievements in solving different national crisis that struck the country and its plan to counter the coming ones. GMA will be mainly focusing for the National Social Welfare program that is ease the effects of global crisis.

In 2008 disaster management would be highlighted during the 8th State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President GMA at the House of Representatives building in Quezon City last July 28. It is mainly because of the tragedies resulting from previous typhoons that passed the country. The president wants to ensure that a repeat of such incident in the future should be prevented through intensified disaster preparedness programs and updated rescue and relief operations guidelines in the country.

In 2009, President GMA once again delivers her State of the Nation Address (SONA) to the Filipinos. What would be the expected output of all the promises to her countrymen? Are all promises met? Did she try her best in making all her promises come to reality? We cannot deny the fact that under her administration many Filipino’s suffer from all means of life, less jobs instead of employing more Filipinos, many crimes and unresolved issues are still needs solution, many out of school youths instead of giving and addressing proper education, still the Philippines belongs to the 3rd world country, there are more rallies addressing to her to step down as president because of the impartial and misleading governance.

In the end, after we see and hear all her promises and hopes wherein almost all come to nothing. We have to think again and do not allow this kind of leader to once again lead the country. We need a president that has the heart and ability to lead the people and country. Who focused on the interest of all Filipinos. Someone who is faithful and dedicated to the craft as a president and leader to the nation.


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